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The second installment of the Farfalla family saga. 

The Invincible Woman


The Invincible Woman is book three, and the conclusion to The Determined  Woman and The Persevering Woman is the story of three women’s will to persevere no matter the obstacles they face.

Under her mother’s interminable control, Toni Trevi devotes her entire life to meeting her demands to bankroll her lavish lifestyle. From handpicking the wealthy men who fill her bed to fund her luxurious lifestyle to her friends,  Michaela Trevi has influenced every aspect of her daughter’s life.

The arrangement worked to perfection for years until Michaela pegs  Christian Sabatini—the son of her long-time nemesis, Isabella  Farfalla—for Toni’s next relationship, and things take an unexpected turn.

Falling in love with Christian isn’t part of the plan, but Toni does, and to her surprise, he reciprocates. Faced with the choice to let down her mother or the path that could change Toni’s life, she opts for change and tells Christian everything about her sordid life. A  man in love, Christian, overlooks Toni’s past and proposes marriage.

Michaela isn’t as forgiving of her daughter’s betrayal but will overlook it as long as she cashes in on Toni’s good fortune. Toni’s refusal to bend to Michaela’s demands threatens to dismantle her new life when her mother tells her she will tell Christian the one secret she withheld from him.


The Invincible Woman
eBook ISBN 978-1-990660-10-8
Paperback ISBN 978-1-990660-11-5



eBook and paperback AVAILABLE Online:

The first installment of the Farfalla family saga. 

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